Reader Comments:
Stupidity Rules! seems to have struck a nerve with some readers. On 1 October 2004, Mr. John Lowe of northern British Columbia, wrote:
Hi Stan,
I just finished reading "Stupidy Rules!". Bravo and Thank You! This is a wonderful essay, and must rank among the best I've read in recent times.
With tongue in cheek and far greater precision than a smart bomb you target and illuminate what I can only describe as an increasingly significant feature of some nations' modern foreign policy. That is, as you point out, the tendency towards personalizing issues in macro social interaction. And to me, it is also about couching complexity and nuance in simple but stupid characterizations that play to emotions, make full and unabashed use of Stupidity and are easily associated with social "buttons". Powerful psychology! Which makes me wonder, is Mr. Bush stupid or is he sinister? Perhaps Chretien's aid got it wrong by characterizing Bush as a moron. Or maybe I'm just too stupid.
It is clear that much further study and analysis of stupidity has a high priority. This is a powerful force. I'm sure that those who master stupidity will wield great power.